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    We spent the rest of the weekend checking out Titusville. Mainly the restaurants. Hands down Dixie Crossroads is our favorite. Moonlight Cafe is a drive-up diner that has been open since 1964. Still serves burgers to your car on window trays. Picked up a rental car to drive back home for work Monday. After a week of working we headed back down to catch a SpaceX launch. We could even see a little speck of the marina in the live feed of the launch. We had good views of the launch, can’t wait for the Artemis Launch on the 29th. That is the launch we are here for. It will…

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    New Smyrna to Titusville

    So this morning we got started around 7 again. Walked the dogs, made breakfast, pulled anchor and headed out. It didn’t take very long to get into Mosquito Lagoon where we could already see the Vehicle Assembly Building in the distance. It should only be around a 4 hour run today. I think we are getting close. Dolphins love surfing the wake if our speed is just right. If we’re going too fast they can’t ride the wave very well, too slow, they get bored or something and leave after a breath or two. This guy was with us for about 10-15 mins. Made it! Now we just have to…

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    Leaving St. Augustine

    We left out of St.Augustine around 7am headed South again on the Intracoastal. Originally, the plan was to make the entire run to Titusville in one day. After plotting out our course the night before that idea seemed a little too ambitious. It would have been about a 10 hour cruise if everything went perfectly. Trips like this never go as planned, So many things can add time to the route along the way. Weather, no-wake zones, congested areas and the time it takes to get into and tied up at the destination can turn a 10 hour cruise into 12+. Considering we had the dogs with us as well,…

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    Heading South

    We are making our way down to Titusville to keep the boat for the rest of the summer. As usual we will commute to it on the weekends and work during the week Our first stop is St Augustine again, we always have a great time here. St Augustine now has rental E-Bikes around town. Finding one that was charged and working was pretty difficult. When we did there would be only one working out of half a dozen. No point in renting one bike. One of the days we did find two charged and working bikes and they worked pretty well to get around. Once we get down to…

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    Last Day

    The last day was very cold and windy, so we spent most of the day on the boat or by the fire pit. We did manage to finish off that palm tree in the fire. We left Murphy Island Sunday morning for a pretty uneventful trip back to Jax. Not many boats on the water today cause it was so cold. Just a few commercial boats.

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    Murphy Island Exploring

    Today we decided to do a little exploring around the Island after lunch. For a lunch snack before our hike I made ABT’s, which are a super-hot Jalapeno popper with habaneros in the fling. Look em’ up we love them.  I did something pretty dumb, after removing them from the grill I turned it up on high to burn off some of the drippings and crud. Well, I kinda forgot about it while we were eating. Next thing I know Heather looked out the window and noticed flames pouring out of the bottom of the grill and  telling me to get a fire extinguisher.  The bacon grease had collected in…

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    First Evening

    We arrived at Murphy Island about 3:30 and after working on the generator, walking the pups and setting up things it was getting pretty late in the afternoon. So we just setup our stuff on shore around the fire pit and started burning all the firewood we brought for the cold weekend and began our ——– ESCAPE TO MURPHY ISLAND! We found a dead Palm Tree nearby that looked like someone tried to burn up but didn’t do so well. Amateurs! So now our goal is to burn this thing up before we leave early Sunday morning. We made tacos on the boat for dinner and just chilled out.

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    On the Move Today

    We left Downtown Jax around 9am after some cold and rainy morning walks. It’s gonna be pretty cold this weekend, not the best weather but we will make it work and we like making campfires at Murphy Island anyway. We ran the generator while cruising to do some laundry and run the heater, but about an hour into or run South the generator shut down. Tried to start it again a couple times but no luck. So we just left it alone until we could really troubleshoot it when we arrived at Murphy Island. But with Saturday night calling for temps in the 20’s we were mentally preparing for a…

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    Heading Upriver Again

    We are taking a little trip south on the St. Johns again. But first we made an overnight stop Downtown to go to a show at the Florida Theater. Mystery Science Theater 3000 is a show I have been watching since the 90’s. The show consists of watching terrible movies while the characters make humorous commentary on how terribly bad the movie is. “Making Contact” (1985) was the subject of tonight’s show, and it was hilariously bad. We stayed overnight dock out in front of what used to be the Jacksonville Landing but has since been demolished and turned into a public park. The docks have been replaced so it’s…